понедельник, 21 ноября 2016 г.

The Melody of Success

When people hear the name of the classical arcade game as Pac-Man, they not only remember the main hero that moves in order to swallow the points but vaca-vaca sound. Believe it or not this cartoon noise became the popular aspect of the game’s success. Besides, the profit from the slot machines with this game exceeded the box office sales of the first series of Star Wars. As Chris Jolly, the main sound designer of Arooga Games explained, the effective use of the sound can be significant for the success of the each game.

The music helps players to come to terms with situation where they plunged and provides the entertainment function. Jolly said that it could not be named as the new event. He noticed that during the gaming process the sound plays the great role. It helps to create the gaming atmosphere and develop the attachment to the slot machines and gaming tables and finally to provide the stable profit.

During the creation of the game for the social platform we do not have the opportunity to take such great advantage that is why one has to create the personal one. In casino games the significant role plays the emotional component. It can be a delight from the winning or desperation from the failure.

With the help of the musical background you are able to enhance the positive emotions that are able to save in the gamer’s memory. It is connected with the forming of the conditioned reflex that is the gained experience during the life. As the example one has to name the use of the sounds that are able to undertake the frequent reaction as the sound with changing tempo, rising or descending tune.

Such sounds are used during the spinning of the reels in slot machines. Or it is the sound of the Bonuses. They will appeal gamblers to spin more and more, causing the feel of the expectation. Nevertheless, the wrong music can cause the gamer’s irritation in consequence of which he will end the game. As a compulsive gamer I hope that the sound designers will soon develop the great and fabulous music sound that is going to appeal the attention of numerous gamblers.

Gaming industry is the next victim of cybercrime

Video-game-related crime is almost as old as the industry itself. But while illegal copies and pirated versions of games were the previous dominant form of illicit activities related to games, recent developments and trends in online gaming platforms have created new possibilities for cybercriminals to swindle huge amounts of money from an industry that is worth nearly $100 billion. And what’s worrisome is that publishers are not the only targets; the players themselves are becoming victims of this new form of crime.

Recent trends prove just how attractive the gaming community has become for cybercriminals and how lucrative the game-hacking business is becoming, which underlines the importance for developers, manufacturers and gamers alike to take game security more seriously.
New features breed new hacking possibilities. The recent wave of malware attacks against Steam, the leading digital entertainment distribution platform, is a perfect example of how game-related crime has changed in recent years.

For those who are unfamiliar, Steam is a multi-OS platform owned by gaming company Valve, which acts as an e-store for video games. But what started as a basic delivery and patching network eventually grew into a fully featured gaming market that counts more than 125 million members, 12 million concurrent users and thousands of games. Aside from the online purchase of games, the platform offers features for game inventories, trading cards and other valuable goods to be purchased and attached to users’ accounts.

The transformation that has overcome the gaming industry, or more specifically the shift toward the purchase and storage of in-game assets, has created new motives for malicious actors to try to break into user accounts. Aside from sensitive financial information, which all online retail platforms contain, the Steam Engine now provides attackers with many other items that can be turned into money-making opportunities.

This has fueled the development of Steam Stealer, a new breed of malware that is responsible for the hijacking of millions of user accounts. According to official data recently published by Steam, credentials for about 77,000 Steam accounts are stolen every month. Research led by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab has identified more than 1,200 specimens of the malware. Santiago Pontiroli and Bart P, the researchers who authored the report, maintain that Steam Stealer has “turned the threat landscape for the entertainment ecosystem into a devil’s playground.”

The malware is delivered through run-of-the-mill phishing campaigns, infected clones of gaming sites such as RazerComms and TeamSpeak or through fake versions of the Steam extension developed for the Chrome browser.

Once the intruder gains access to victims’ credentials, they not only siphon the financial data related to the account, but also take advantage of the possible assets stored in the account and sell them in Steam Trade for extra cash. Inventory items are being traded at several hundred dollars in some cases. According to the Steam website, “enough money now moves around the system that stealing virtual Steam goods has become a real business for skilled hackers.”

Every online game and platform can become the target of cyberattacks.

Steam Stealer is being made available on malware black markets at prices as low as $3, which means “a staggering number of script-kiddies and technically-challenged individuals resort to this type of threat as their malware of choice to enter the cybercrime scene,” the Kaspersky report states. The malware-as-a-service trend is being observed elsewhere, including in the ransomware business, which, at present, is one of the most popular types of money-making malware being used by cybercriminals.
What makes the attacks successful?

A number of factors have contributed to the success of the attacks against the Steam platform, but paramount among them is the outdated perception toward security in games. Developers and publishers are still focused on hardening their code against reverse engineering and piracy, while the rising threat of data breaches against games and gamers aren’t getting enough attention.

“I think it’s because in the gaming world as well as in the security industry, we haven’t paid much attention to this issue in the past,” says Pontiroli, the researcher from Kaspersky, referring to the malware attacks against games.

Gamers are also to blame for security incidents, Pontiroli believes. “There’s this view from the other side of the table — from gamers — that antivirus apps slow down their machines, or cause them to lose frame rate,” he explains, which leads them to disable antiviruses or uninstall them altogether. “Nowadays you just need to realize that you can lose your account and your information.”

A separate report by video-game security startup Panopticon Labs about cyberattacks against the gaming industry maintains that in comparison to financial services and retail, the video-game industry is new and highly vulnerable to cyberattacks. “Whereas other industries now have cybersecurity rules, regulations and standards to adhere to, online video games are just now recognizing that in-game cyberattacks exist and are harmful to both revenue and reputation,” writes the report.

Matthew Cook, co-founder of Panopticon, believes that publishers are putting up with the unwanted behaviors of bad actors and accept it as a cost of doing business. “So often, the publishers we talk to refer to fighting back against these unwanted players as a game of ‘whack a mole’ that they can never win,” he says.

In contrast, he believes, publishers can fight back and eliminate fraudulent or harmful activities, provided they get a head start in securing their games and are dedicated to keeping bad players out after they’re gone. “Unfortunately, slow, manual processes like combing through suspected bad actor reports, or performing half-hearted quarterly ban activities just won’t cut it anymore,” Cook stresses. “The bad guys have gotten too good, and there’s simply too much financial opportunity for them to be dissuaded by reactive rules and reports.”

The game trends that will change the world

The focus of this year’s Develop, the annual game developer conference held in Brighton, was unmistakable: virtual reality. The aim of conference is to highlight and discuss current trends, and last year these included social media, spectatorship, and games as services. This year, however, VR dominated the schedule to the extent that sometimes it was difficult to find a non-VR talk to attend, but with so many developers and other industry members in one place there were plenty of other discussions on the fringes. At least until Pokémon Go came out.

In a Q&A session, Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail said: “The industry moves so fast that I think a lot of advice from two years ago, unless it’s very generic advice, does not really apply in the same way anymore.”Here, then, is what we heard the games industry talking about this year, and what could change the way games are made in the near future.

Proponents of virtual reality are eager to fight back against one of the platform’s key criticisms: that it’s isolating. Dave Ranyard, previously studio head of Sony London and now an independent VR developer, made clear at a panel discussion that he believes the future of VR is a social one, and that it will be about being transported to another place and doing something cool with your friends.

Even beyond what Sweet refers to as the “generic blue head and set of hands”, VR is a physical experience, and perhaps with more social spaces, like virtual reality arcades or multiplayer VR games, the medium will be more about a shared space of collaboration than solitary play.In the opening keynote, Oculus’s head of developer strategy, Anna Sweet, said: “When you get two people together in a virtual space, and you actually get to see how they move and how they talk, and how they interact with the world, it lets you connect as if you were really actually in that room with them.

And it’s pretty powerful.” She recounted a story where two people who had never met, but had spent 10 minutes in a VR space together, were able to recognise each other by the way they moved. Solomon Rogers, co-founder of a VR creative agency called Rewind, told a very similar story in his talk “Consumer Virtual Reality - Hope or Hype?”, describing his ability to recognise another VR player as his wife from her gestures alone.
Pokémon Go came to the UK on the third and last day of the conference, and it felt like everyone in Brighton was catching Magikarp and Shellder and Seel and all the other water Pokémon the seaside town had to offer. Had this international hit been available a little earlier, the conference schedule would surely have contained a few more panels about augmented reality. Whether we can expect to see an AR-heavy Develop 2017 will depend on whether Pokémon Go represents the start of a new trend, or if it’s simply a one-off success carried by an already successful brand.

Perfect Gaming Experience

среда, 16 ноября 2016 г.

The Notes from the Diary of Wimpy Gambling Addict Part 2

One of the most significant aspects of poker game is that you have to raise the ability to not confuse the right decision and the individual outcome of the separate round. The great amount of players did the same. When they won, they thought it was the right bet. 
When they got a failure, they thought it was the big mistake. The first several months Poker was both interesting and unique for me. I studied, reading tons of books and got experience with the talented competitors.

I started to notice the similarity between the great poker strategy and business management. Especially if you think about the short (the focus on the separate round) and long brainwork (the appliance of the right strategy decision). I saw a great similarity between the casino game and business startup that began to compose the list of the lessons. These studies were got during the playing process and could be applied to the business. 

The value of the market opportunities:

· The most significant decision is to choose the right gaming table

· It is better to change the table if you see that the game is too hard

· There are a great amount of competitors. It will be harder to win. Even if your play is the best

· Make a weak face if you have strong cards and make a strong face if you have bad cards. It is better to know when to cheat

· Your brand is very important

· Correct the stories that are told about you

· Always be ready to the worse scenario

· Focus on the positive mathematical expectation and not to minimal risk

· Be sure that you have the enough money for the game taking into account the possible risks

· Play if you are able to get the failure

· Remember that casino game is the long game. You can win or lose, but the important fact is that occurs in the long perspective.

· Do not play the games that you do not understand

· Learn to play with the small bets

· Be committed to the principles

· Correct the gaming style during the night, depending on the game’s dynamic. Be flexible.

· Be patient and think about the further development

· Hope is not the best plan

Study a lot, communicating with the experienced and talented player! If you are interested in the useful articles and information about casino games see iMoneySlots

Gambler's Poem

The dreadful phone call came, “we have bad news”. Somehow I already knew, but the words screamed in my mind. “You have cancer”, and an aggressive kind. For the first time, I yelled at God, threw things across a porch. I had been through too much trauma as it was, from earlier years. They had just removed a tumor, now wanted to remove more. I hadn’t even recovered and they were in a rush to save my life. It is a long story, as I battled with doctors with life spinning. I was calling everyone I knew, to thank them, as I could. I believed the doctors that I didn’t have much chance to live. All other worries in life dissipated in a heartbeat, none of that mattered. I ran to the health food store in desperation to buy Mangosteen juice. They pushed the major surgery as I took months to decide. They thought I was crazy, gambling with my life in such a way. I kept drinking that juice, seeking 2nd opinions, being yelled at by doctors. They insisted after surgery would be chemotherapy which I denied. They refused to do this second surgery only for investigative purpose. When I finally had that second surgery, it was me who turned out to be right. The rest of the biopsies were clear as I had overcome doctors and science! Faith returned as I realized God had brought me a miracle fully unexplainable. They still wanted to do chemotherapy, so I raced to transfer out of state. Where they agreed with me not to, almost 10 years later, here I am alive.

Stunning Video Games

Influence of Video Games

Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Playing violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future.

“Video games change your brain,” according to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green. Playing video games change the brain’s physical structure the same way as do learning to read, playing the piano, or navigating using a map. Much like exercise can build muscle, the powerful combination of concentration and rewarding surges of neurotransmitters like dopamine strengthen neural circuits that can build the brain.

When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school. Some of the mental skills enhanced by video games include:
Following instructions
Problem solving and logic – When a child plays a game such as The Incredible Machine, Angry Birds or Cut The Rope, he trains his brain to come up with creative ways to solve puzzles and other problems in short bursts
Hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same time. This requires the real-world player to keep track of the position of the character, where he/she is heading, his speed, where the gun is aiming, if the gunfire is hitting the enemy, and so on. All these factors need to be taken into account, and then the player must then coordinate the brain’s interpretation and reaction with the movement in his hands and fingertips. 

This process requires a great deal of eye-hand coordination and visual-spatial ability to be successful. Research also suggests that people can learn iconic, spatial, and visual attention skills from video games. There have been even studies with adults showing that experience with video games is related to better surgical skills. Also, a reason given by experts as to why fighter pilots of today are more skillful is that this generation’s pilots are being weaned on video games.

Planning, resource management and logistics. The player learns to manage resources that are limited, and decide the best use of resources, the same way as in real life. This skill is honed in strategy games such as SimCity, Age of Empires, and Railroad Tycoon. Notably, The American Planning Association, the trade association of urban planners and Maxis, the game creator, have claimed that SimCity has inspired a lot of its players to take a career in urban planning and architecture.
Multitasking, simultaneous tracking of many shifting variables and managing multiple objectives. In strategy games, for instance, while developing a city, an unexpected surprise like an enemy might emerge. This forces the player to be flexible and quickly change tactics.

суббота, 12 ноября 2016 г.

среда, 9 ноября 2016 г.

Humor in the gaming process: Do we need it?

Online casino as our life is the fascinating history where the cheerful and unbelievable events take place. Each person has the rats in the attic and never knows what to wait from him. In the world of casino games where each person is able to become a lucky one with big winnings or mad person without any penny, you can observe different funny stories. 

Some players behave as crazy and their actions are so extraordinary that you cannot stay calm and smile. Of course, humor helps to consider our casino failure with less disappointment. It is better to leave casino place with the smile if you really messes up. Do not consider casino games as your everyday job. I mean it is you hobby.

There are a lot of interesting stories that are based on the real events with real characters. They are able to lift the spirits and increase the wave of good positive emotions among your friends. Such texts will entertain those who do not like casino games and risk lovers will be interesting to hear something funny about their colleagues in gambling places. So, I would like to read some humor from the life:
When my friend decided to start from nothing, all happened thanks to casino.
If the casino player got his new car near enter and after the game went home on foot, he made the bad bet.
The girl that firstly came to casino did not know how to make a bet. Young man proposed to bet on her age. The sine in the eyes, thankful smile and money are bet on 26. On the roulette wheel she saw 35 and the girl lost consciousness.
Morning. Casino place. Naked player are going to take a taxi:

-Bro, take me to home free. I will play out and pay to you.

- Of course, no. it is impossible

Man was greatly disappointed and came home on foot.

The next day he was lucky enough and left casino with big winning. Exiting the club, he came to take a taxi:

-Will you drive me for $100?

- Let’s go

Going to gambling place do not think aout the winnings! You have to go with positive thoughts even if you get a failure!

Interesting statement of reasons: Professional Roulette Player: What are the ways?

Interesting statement of reasons: Professional Roulette Player: What are the ways?: There are a lot of texts that are written on the Internet about casino games but the most of them are focused on appealing and improvemen...

Professional Roulette Player: What are the ways?

There are a lot of texts that are written on the Internet about casino games but the most of them are focused on appealing and improvement of gambling places. They order this content to draw attention of professional gamblers and newcomers.

It does not mean that such information is bad but in my article I want to give advices as a professional gambler. This article is for those who like to spin the wheel and the excitement of falling ball. It is not the issue what level of interest to the game you have or online roulette is your way to make money.

First of all, you have to look after your gambler’s amount. The long game is the best way to get a failure. It is necessary to determine the sum that you are going to win. If you win, stand up and go away. For someone it will be $100 for others - $1000. All depend on the bets and psychological feeling of the wins.

Do not lose too much. There are days then the game doesn’t want to go. In order to not lose money on the line of failures, you have to estimate the limit for one session. The biggest mistake of each gambler – the tries to play out.

Attentively learn the rules of roulette game. There are a lot of different types as American, French or European. Of course, roulette is the easiest game but do not be lazy to spend some moments to learn carefully variants of the bets or house edge.
I want to recommend playing with one zero. From the mathematical point of view such game is better than American wheel with 2 zeros.

One of the most important moments is to choose online casino with great reputation. Some gambling places make actions that are not fair against their players. Of course, the best criteria of securest gambling place are review and rate.

Get to know how to check up the system or strategy. Without checking and calculations you are going to lose a lot of money. Free and creative thinking is the main key to win. After learning of existing elements, try to mind something new and unique.
You have to hide your money. You have play at online casinos with the certain sum of money.

Nevertheless, the most important advice from me includes the relation to online roulette. This game is a perfect way to relax. The glass of the wine, great music and rolling ball are the things that will accompany you during the gaming process.

Combining morality and Casino Industry

If you've worked in the online casino world long enough there's one thing that is for sure - at one time or another you will get questioned about the morality of doing so. From some of the religious camps, you will be challenged on the grounds that you "lead people into sin, because gambling is a sin". Interestingly in Christianity there is no definitive biblical scripture on the matter that explicitly refers to gambling or classifies it as a sin.

What it does state is that you should be a good steward of your money, that you should not put your trust in luck and fortune, and that not money, but the love of money is the root of all evil. Still, no reference to gambling. While the above points can and do start many heated theological debates, and are relevant to those in Christian Society today, they should not be taken out of context and used to incorrectly argue a personal point of view on the matter.

Not everyone Christian or otherwise who gambles does so recklessly, not everyone who gambles puts their trust in luck and fortune to provide for them above God, and not everyone who gambles does so because they are consumed with greed and the love of money. Yes there are those that do...but is it fair to blame casinos and gambling for this behaviour? To damn everyone involved to hell? If you answer yes to the latter, then you're missing the foundational point of Christianity completely.

Islam's Quran on the other hand does explicitly refer to gambling as sin, along with the consumption of drugs and alcohol - so if you are a devout Muslim we would clearly understand your perspective on the subject.

Regardless of your religious beliefs or lack thereof though, the fundamental truth is that you always have a choice as to whether to partake in any activity or not. And yes we call all express our beliefs, opinions and dissent but let's do so with logical reasoning and respect for our audiences and allow them the same courtesy...who knows, you may change some minds after all.

The argument regarding gambling and addiction is really a chicken and egg situation and a highly contentious one at that. Experience and psychology tells us that people prone to particular so called "sin" behaviours will find a way to enable these whether or not the means exists. For example if casinos ceased to exist then street corner dice games, so called "friendly bets" between friends on anything from sports to how fast it will take the lawn to grow, or even home gambling games would become means to an end for those with these particular compulsions.

Do we blame McDonald's for making us fat because we eat too many super-sized meals with massive chocolate shakes each week? Do we vilify sweet makers and confectioners for adding those unwanted pounds? Some have tried of course, but generally common sense reigns and we realise that it's all about self-control.

Gambling Poem:

The dreadful phone call came, “we have bad news”. Somehow I already knew, but the words screamed in my mind. “You have cancer”, and an aggressive kind. For the first time, I yelled at God, threw things across a porch. I had been through too much trauma as it was, from earlier years. They had just removed a tumor, now wanted to remove more. I hadn’t even recovered and they were in a rush to save my life. It is a long story, as I battled with doctors with life spinning. I was calling everyone I knew, to thank them, as I could. I believed the doctors that I didn’t have much chance to live. All other worries in life dissipated in a heartbeat, none of that mattered. I ran to the health food store in desperation to buy Mangosteen juice. They pushed the major surgery as I took months to decide. They thought I was crazy, gambling with my life in such a way. I kept drinking that juice, seeking 2nd opinions, being yelled at by doctors. They insisted after surgery would be chemotherapy which I denied. They refused to do this second surgery only for investigative purpose. When I finally had that second surgery, it was me who turned out to be right. The rest of the biopsies were clear as I had overcome doctors and science! Faith returned as I realized God had brought me a miracle fully unexplainable. They still wanted to do chemotherapy, so I raced to transfer out of state. Where they agreed with me not to, almost 10 years later, here I am alive.

The new generation of the Gambling

Land based and online casinos alike have been experiencing a shift in the landscape of their player base in recent years and are finding that what has always worked in terms of casino games offerings for decades, may no longer appeal to a new generation of people.

This is a somewhat scary thought for many in the industry, especially when revenues are driven by the baby boomers generation who is aging and may need to spend their money elsewhere as they get older. And when young people are not playing slots at the casinos, it's time to take stock of your offering and do research into what they are actually interested in.

The overall concern is that the Millennials (those born in the 80's up to 2000's) are not really as interested in visiting casinos as previous generations were and the flatness of casino revenues (while still very impressive) is being attributed to this fact.

While slots developers are still doing their utmost to create games targeted at younger generations (think the various movie and comic book themed slots), they're finding that the few players visiting the casinos in this demographic are more interested in table games where they can use their own skills to beat the casinos ‐ or at least try to, leaving a significant gap in the slots market, which could be potentially very damaging for casinos in future.

The majority of Millennials however are more interested in playing social games, a trend that has caught the attention of gaming developers and posed the question "how do we bridge the gap?" which is leading to some interesting innovation in new generation casino games. We've recently seen developments in games that require purely skill-based play involving dexterity and problem solving ‐ in fact these types of games will make their way on the Las Vegas casino floor in the very near future and legislation has already been passed requiring a skill based element in new casino games. So soon we'll be racing a car against our friends to see how we do and if we can win and gambling on it.
According to those involved in the research and development of new generation casino games, younger players don't enjoy the idea of starting from scratch every time they play a game. They want an experience like those in video and social gaming that allows them to play and advance through levels, find out how they rank against their peers and find ways to beat them.
This type of thinking will drive gambling on devices which is referred to as adaptive or exponential gaming ‐ wherein the device will recognize who you are and retain your information/profile with your progress in a game on it so that you can pick up where you last left off and access new content and experiences as you progress through the game. The higher the level you will obtain the better odds and bigger payouts you'll be able to achieve.

While regulation surrounding these types of games is still non-existent, it is progressing in certain parts of the world and we're sure it will come into existence as gaming adapts. It will be interesting to see where land based, online and mobile casinos are in 20 years and if they will be able to convert the next generation to slots players, or offer something else completely that will change the face of gambling as we know it forever. One thing is for sure ‐ it will be a very exciting and interesting ride!

The new generation of the Gambling

Land based and online casinos alike have been experiencing a shift in the landscape of their player base in recent years and are finding that what has always worked in terms of casino games offerings for decades, may no longer appeal to a new generation of people.

This is a somewhat scary thought for many in the industry, especially when revenues are driven by the baby boomers generation who is aging and may need to spend their money elsewhere as they get older. And when young people are not playing slots at the casinos, it's time to take stock of your offering and do research into what they are actually interested in.

The overall concern is that the Millennials (those born in the 80's up to 2000's) are not really as interested in visiting casinos as previous generations were and the flatness of casino revenues (while still very impressive) is being attributed to this fact.

While slots developers are still doing their utmost to create games targeted at younger generations (think the various movie and comic book themed slots), they're finding that the few players visiting the casinos in this demographic are more interested in table games where they can use their own skills to beat the casinos ‐ or at least try to, leaving a significant gap in the slots market, which could be potentially very damaging for casinos in future.

The majority of Millennials however are more interested in playing social games, a trend that has caught the attention of gaming developers and posed the question "how do we bridge the gap?" which is leading to some interesting innovation in new generation casino games. We've recently seen developments in games that require purely skill-based play involving dexterity and problem solving ‐ in fact these types of games will make their way on the Las Vegas casino floor in the very near future and legislation has already been passed requiring a skill based element in new casino games. So soon we'll be racing a car against our friends to see how we do and if we can win and gambling on it.
According to those involved in the research and development of new generation casino games, younger players don't enjoy the idea of starting from scratch every time they play a game. They want an experience like those in video and social gaming that allows them to play and advance through levels, find out how they rank against their peers and find ways to beat them.
This type of thinking will drive gambling on devices which is referred to as adaptive or exponential gaming ‐ wherein the device will recognize who you are and retain your information/profile with your progress in a game on it so that you can pick up where you last left off and access new content and experiences as you progress through the game. The higher the level you will obtain the better odds and bigger payouts you'll be able to achieve.

While regulation surrounding these types of games is still non-existent, it is progressing in certain parts of the world and we're sure it will come into existence as gaming adapts. It will be interesting to see where land based, online and mobile casinos are in 20 years and if they will be able to convert the next generation to slots players, or offer something else completely that will change the face of gambling as we know it forever. One thing is for sure ‐ it will be a very exciting and interesting ride!

Gambling Funny Story

If you follow the gambling headlines, pseudo celeb tattler pages or any form of social media you've probably heard the name Dan Bilzerian. This soon-to-be 34 year old trust fund baby has made quite the name for himself as a globe-trotting playboy/actor/internet sensation who lives a life filled with excess ‐ from gambling in Las Vegas Casinos, private jets, guns, fast cars, and hot parties to even hotter, almost always naked women. A lifestyle which 6.5 million plus fans on Facebook and 5.43 million followers on Instagram seem to aspire to ‐ even if they have to live it vicariously through Dan who never seems to tire of sharing his lavish adventures online.

In spite of being handed everything on a silver platter in life, Bilzerian has actually made a name for himself as a professional gambler. In 2009 he played in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) main event and was featured in six episodes of the show's television broadcast. He finished in 180th place and earned $36,626 which was merely a drop in the pond for him, considering his formidable family fortune.

According to various reports his gambling wins from one tournament alone amount to $10.8 million but it is uncertain how much of his approximate $100 million net worth is owed to gambling wins. One thing is for sure though, he's not afraid to take risks and play big, even if that means losing big ‐ or at least what some would consider big. One such example is a recent $1 million loss at the tables which he blamed on the "view" in a Facebook post ‐ that view being of a scantily clad member of the opposite sex.

While Dan may live in Los Angeles, he spends a great deal of time in Las Vegas ‐ a city of excess that seems to be the perfect fit for the millionaire playboy who never seems to tire of gambling and partying. And he's become somewhat of a fixture on the who's who of the city, recently hosting an insane asylum themed Halloween party at Marquee Las Vegas where he judged his own lookalike contest, awarding the winner with a $10k cash prize.

It seems like the sky is the limit and anything is possible when it comes to Dan Bilzerian. In fact, at the time of writing this he is fuelling his private jet and heading back to the fabulous city of Las Vegas for another blow out week-end...we can't wait to see what happens next.